Two Reasons Not to Do Your Own Shopfitting

Posted on: 30 June 2021


If you are going to set up a shop, you should use a local contractor's shopfitting services, rather than trying to set it up yourself. Read on to learn why.

1. The shop's features will be safe for your customers to use

Working with professionals will help ensure that your shop's features are installed in a way that will make them safe for your customers to use. For example, if you were to erect some shelves for your products and you didn't mount them to the wall correctly, there is a chance that a customer could pull a shelf and the products on top of it down onto themselves when picking up an item. Likewise, if your shop needs seating areas and you put together flatpack chairs incorrectly, in a way that results in them being unstable. One of them might collapse and the customer could fall down.

In contrast, if a shopfitting contractor builds and mounts your shelves and puts together your shop furniture, then all of these features will be correctly installed and completely stable. This will mean you'll be less likely to have to deal with the fallout that could come with customers being injured, stock being broken or shop features being damaged. You could avoid personal injury lawsuits. 

2. The shop will get set up faster

When you work with professional shopfitters, your shop will be ready for use far faster than if you tried to set it up yourself. This is because the shopfitters have likely installed hundreds of sales counters and dozens of shop shelving units before will be able to do these jobs in a precise and rapid manner. Unlike a novice, they won't have to spend time looking pouring over instruction booklets to work out what step they need to do next, or take their half-built items apart and rebuild them because they've made a construction error.

In short, they'll be able to whizz through the creation of every shop feature and produce beautifully constructed, safe-to-use items at the end of this quick process. While you might think that it would be cheaper to set everything up yourself, you might have to wait a few extra days to open it if you set it up yourself, which would then mean that you'd potentially miss out on making lots of sales during this period.

To learn more, contact and compare various shopfitting services.